Are you training your spirit?

Suppressed emotions by Helena Arturaleza

What’s the one side not mentioned by others on their spiritual path? The struggle of applying constant efforts to shift perception, and change your life day by day.

Many people get the impression that those who are going through a spiritual awakening, a consciousness expansion, or any personal improvement are going through a blissful, joyful, and a mystical life.

While these are all part of the journey without a doubt, the process itself by which we go through to improve our awareness of the Universe and the Self is an arduous and painstaking one.

As a former natural bodybuilder, I can relate it with this rigorous lifestyle, the grueling process of training and food measuring is hard, but the results are visible and rewarding.

Probably anything else that requires training (mentally or physically), is bound to have a difficult process if you are to see results, from being a good speaker to becoming a Shaolin monk.

There is no exception in spiritual growth, especially when one comes from a place like I did of being a science-based atheist, with no room for anything outside of the physical evidence, and then the Universe blasted me with a new understanding and torrents of experiences to validate the existence of Source.

But being so analytical and sciency actually paid off for me, because it allowed me to understand the Unknown with coherence, physics, and in practical ways that everybody willing to learn can understand.

My laboratory background and hobby also contributed with the discipline, and organizational mindset that annoyed others by how methodical I was, and this came in handy when discovering the best way to learn these new dimensions of energy and perceptional realities.

I say all this because this is what created my methods and techniques, to change my life once I discovered what spirituality is at its foundation, and the message of the psychedelic plants to seek improvement of the self, while serving others.

And to tie all this, while the process of spiritual growth is difficult for sure, because you need to constantly evaluate who you are and what’s stopping you from living in harmony (and trust me when I say that your ego fights you to the death), I developed an approach of logic, compassion, love, and critical understanding of the reality we live in.

So, the journey of spiritual rediscovery is bumpy and rugged, that’s unavoidable, but it’s the methods you develop that will keep you accountable, self-analyzing, and continually evolving.

Just like you train your body and mind, the spirit also needs discipline and constant effort to improve.

What are some of the methods you use to keep improving your perception of life? Leave me a comment or question and I’d love to learn and share with you this conversation.

2 thoughts on “Are you training your spirit?”

  1. im consistently questioning, being alive is crazy to me, the fact that energy balls are in physical bodies and once you start seeing everyone for that, it is very interesting what that does to your perception… sometimes i find it meaningless, but their is meaning to that meninglessness, if thats a word haha, i think it is meaningless so you can put your own meaning into it.

    1. Creating your own reality and truth. Interesting that you mention that, because we are at a time where we all need to stop following people for truth, and start trusting our heart which always gives us the current truth we believe in. Contrary to what the System has taught us, we don’t need others to validate our perception of reality, we have guides who we trust and listen to messengers to pick what resonates, and discard what doesn’t. Variety of thinking with unconditional love is the key to creating your own truth.

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