A new decade is up

Audible Version

Music: D.N.A.

Artist: The Intangible

Changes are happening always, whether it be by the day, a week, month, or year. Depending on the time lapse we tend to interpret its greatness by the number of things that happened in that period.

This is why the end years are usually seen in retrospective more significant than even decades, because in 10 years there’s simply too much to remember and put together.

2019 for all of us marked not only the end of a decade, but a very significant year in various aspects of the human consciousness, even if you’re not aware of them all, I’m still discovering the vast amount of good news we have in these confusing times.

The alternate reality

Despite the turmoil and chaos we see all around the globe due to economic crises, power struggles, social discontent, division, and the rest of the pressure cooker we have going on, we as conscious humans have been responding in an astonishing positive way.

We are nearing the peak of what is called the human conflict cycle, and while you can feel the tension on a macro scale, and certainly in some small niches of angry people who are still stirred by mainstream propaganda, the majority of us just want to stay away from it.

We are that generation that learned already the old system, the secret dealings, the deceptions, the lies, the cabal, those powers that operate from the shadows and leeched and controlled our ancestors all the way up to our parents. But not us.

Internally we already made the change, and that’s why we don’t participate physically or mentally in the game the System has been imposing on us to drive this human conflict cycle. We have chosen to remain unwilling to participate, and the world is feeling it. Perhaps for the first time in history we are avoiding what some people have been hoping for, another world war.

The vast majority of sensationalist news, that we see in the periphery of our day to day life, are lies. The news are like a TV show, creating false tensions or abusing an event by its tragic side. All to maintain the fear in their programming.

Just like a sitcom will continue to make episodes as long as they make the audience laugh, the news will continue to create sensationalism while the audience generates this fear, hate, sadness, and stress.

Again, they are not good or bad, they are simply the product of a market that has had customers for years. But like everything in this system, they are projected illusions to suck our energy in low frequency modalities. And like every illusion, we can stop believing in it.

As I always allude in my content, the individual thought-emotion complex is what actually shapes our reality, or at the very least it influences the events that are taking place around us and, by ricochet, the rest of the world. Internal change is driving our Planet to a new era, and as someone who is in constant commune with her Spirit, our beloved mother Gaia, her love answers exponentially.

We are all taking more responsibility for our actions, there is a constant quest for love in everybody I meet, our search is more important already than the materialistic illusory projections in our life matrix, and we are finding it with every little struggle we face as part of the cleansing process that’s so needed to free humanity from the grip of manipulation.

Technological advancement?

2019 for me also brought the peak of social distortion, with the advent of a newly developed control of informatics through our electronic devices, in addition to the rest of our establishment’s methods for mass control.

And while on the topic, I want to mention that the residual threat for this new decade, stemming from this recent technological development, is artificial intelligence (AI) and transhumanism.

This is not a blockbuster idea applied to real life, nor is it some paranoid reaction to human negativity applied to machines, it’s a real threat that has been acknowledged by scientists, entrepreneurs, leaders, and others.

It’s worth mentioning that technology as it stands is not the problem, the problem lies in the development of AI to model, dictate, modify, alter, and make decisions for humans.

This is already visible in the world, the smart devices we carry in our pockets alone are basically everything in our lives. Don’t believe me? Try a month without it. Too much time? Try a week. Even a day could be an anxious prospective for many.

And this is not an old man’s comment or of a past generation’s, the majority of young people admit and promote this notion that we are stupefied with our electronic devices. To cement the idea, our oldest generation is a victim of this usage as well, something never seen before. We like to joke about how Facebook is now for old people, true or not, the point is that they are also dependent, bizarre isn’t?

Now, how does this relate to AI? You may ask. Approximately 15 years ago the development of AI sped up in an inconceivable way for the population, and several years ago this process of decision-making based on algorithms of programming that compute, and update itself at enormous speeds, is the responsible for all the content we consume through these screens.

Just a couple of years ago we started noticing that if we spoke in person with other people, our phones would later show indications of having listened to us. I remember doing a test with a friend one day, she asked me to say something she had never heard before, and so I started talking about ‘arepas’, certainly she had never heard that word before.

In just a couple of minutes, as she was browsing her Pinterest, to her surprise she started getting recipes for Hispanic food, something she’d never search before, from traditional food to empanadas, she eventually arrived at an arepa’s post.

These reports are already accepted as normal in society now, “our phones listen to us” we say casually. Without needing to get into the implications this has to dominate our compulsive mind, what I want to illustrate is how AI is alive and active, and our dependency on it is notable in these early stages of its development.

Imagine now when it becomes fully operational at high levels in governmental, industrial, power management, law enforcement, judicial, and the rest of our precious institutions. For those of us who used to laugh at the possibility of Skynet, it won’t be so funny then.

For those who doubt that our impeccable technological creation may fail, I would like to remind them that our nature in human ingenuity, the process by which we develop any technology, from a wheel to a quantum computer, has been a process of trial and error.

With a wheel and all the way to space shuttles, the price to pay for those errors, although equally grievous, was human lives. But the imminent error on the application of AI threatens all humanity.

Unfortunately, it seems like there is no way to stop it at this point and its development has been desperately accelerated. We as humans who oppose it, may not be able to do much in the near future, and that’s ok because like everything else in this third density consciousness, we always have a choice.

When the time comes, we will be conscious to make the decision to accept and embrace AI as the decision makers, as well as in the biomechanical level to admit them as part of our bodies so they can also make decisions not only in our biological processes, but also in the neurological thinking we still have control over today.

No choice will be good or bad, it’s all about perception and heart resonance.

However, a lot of us will choose to remain the natural and much more powerful beings we are as the biological, spirit driven humans we still are. The deception will come from the idea that we need this artificial intervention in order to achieve longevity, brain process power, physical feats, and other trinkets that this technology promises.

Now, I don’t want to end this section with an air of fear-mongering, but while our destiny is truly a blissful one, we are still going through a phase of risks due to our creative ability. It just so happens that we are peaking our creativity and ingenuity with our darkest and most ignorant era of consciousness.

The reason why AI is being developed is because, according to some people, we humans are incapable of designing a community that makes loving decisions that benefit the Planet as a whole. This is based on a clearly decadent patriarchal system that still runs with 1800s ideas of scarcity, conflict, and economic advantages.

Like I said before, it’s not about technology, we could and should use it to our own benefit, the problem is delegating the decision-making process to an artificial intelligence with no emotions and a lack of connection with the feeling of human love. We decide who we are in the end.

Our biological awakening

The reality is that even more impressive developments are on their way from the natural cycle of life evolution through consciousness, vibrational frequencies, and DNA activation through the new Golden period we are entering.

The Solar System is going through a highly charged field of electromagnetic energy, that impacts us on various levels of our consciousness. This started happening a while ago, and since the end of the Great Cycle in 2012, that marked the beginning of a new one, it has been accelerating.

This year I’ll talk a lot more about these topics, including the origin of AI and its implications in our sector of the Universe, the history of humanity outside the current convictions, unified science, and of course the long waited and great Solar Flash event and its effects on the Planet.

2020 is bringing new things on several aspects as well that will improve our lives and boost our inner development and self-healing. Because of this, I am dedicating my work in this field to the communication and spreading of information for those who are interested in expanding their consciousness, and preparing for the last decade we have as the humans we believe we are in recorded history.

This is a bold statement, and I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t have my convictions so centered in the inevitability that’s bringing this new era that has been predicted by all ancient civilizations, and conventional science hasn’t caught up with.

Being someone who not only grew up with conventional science as the dominant science, but lived the narrow-minded path of that establishment, I am now in debt with all of you who are still affected by this way of thinking that has been ingrained in our culture and decision-making system.

This is why this year I will be relentlessly working in releasing content about all these changes that are occurring on a physical, understandable, and spiritual level.

From the secret technology disclosure that started pouring out this year with the anti-gravitic and zero-point energy devices, to the prophecies of this Golden Age that has been in sacred scriptures around the world for thousands of years.

Science, technology, spirituality, ascension, quantum knowledge, and history will be all married in my content this year 2020, but the most important thing is that I will be creating context for everything so it’s applicable to your personal growth, and your mission on Earth.

We all owe it to Gaia, our precious Mother Earth, but most importantly, we owe to our old selves who are still suffering from amnesia of who we are, where we come from, and where we are going.

With all my love dear Gaians, I promise you this in the light of the infinite creator that resides in you, and the unity that awaits us for a new Earth.

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