Shaping reality

Transcending Beyond Duality by Helena Arturaleza

Audible Version

Music: Nobility and Grandeur

Artist: The Intangible

After you open the doors of consciousness, and you begin to see the world from another perspective, you begin to realize that there is another realm where you also belong and is not part of this reality, at least not in the quantifiable and measurable way we are so used to with our mechanical and logical thinking.

Without getting into interdimensional beings and entities that belong to this Universe, there is an aspect of the fabric of reality as it stands that we are denizens of: the inner self.

Manifesting reality

As it turns out, every one of us is a fractal of the creator itself. In fact, all matter in the Universe is a unique arrangement of the primordial energy that makes up everything in it, from quantum particles to stars. In the natural divine strata of consciousness, we humans possess the first level of spirit awareness, and with that quality we begin to shape the world around us.

This recent acquisition of the body-mind-spirit complex is what has created the world we now know, we have been doing it for millennia in different ancient civilizations throughout history (like the Mayans did), who eventually advanced into greater beings in consciousness, and left many remains of their steps and knowledge.

But before I get carried away into the history and science of human consciousness, I want to continue on what it means to have this potential in our not so primitive bodies.

As I alluded before, we shape the reality we live in with our thoughts and emotions, we are co-creators of the world we live in by simply believing in it. This has been how archontic forces have manipulated us to maintain the Matrix they created for purposes that are beyond the scope of this post.

In any case, the fact remains that our individual perception is key to manifesting the life we live. This happens through the interaction of our thoughts and emotions every day. Gregg Braden explains this in a beautiful way, so if you want to know more about it go check his content, brilliant man and brilliant insights.

The core of it is that thoughts and emotions are combined in the heart to produce an alteration of reality, and depending on the nature of them, your reality is created by the frequency of those energies. Simply put, if you have negative thoughts and emotions, your life will inevitably respond in a negative way, and the opposite is also true, positive thoughts and emotions create a positive reality.

The power of the mind is enormous, but the power of the heart is even greater. Just to talk about the electromagnetic field, the heart is 100 times stronger electrically, and over 5000 times magnetically stronger than the brain.

This means that the frequencies and emotions generated by the heart chakra (the energy center of the body) are a lot more decisive than the brain when it comes to generating the reality we live in, including perception and life events.

Physically what’s happening is that, given that the universe is an energetic malleable fabric, the heart being the most powerful electromagnetic emitter in the human body, molds the space-time around us. This is the foundation and premise of manifestations.

In other words, your thoughts have a lot of power, as they are mostly processed in the brain and the electromagnetic field of the brain is fairly significant, this is why you hear all the time that thoughts have power. But the heart is even stronger as I just mentioned before, and this means that when you desire something with your heart, your true heart, it will have a much more intense impact in the manifestation of it.

Knowing this is fundamental to understand that however you decide to live your life, the nature of your thoughts (conscious or subconscious) and the emotions attached to them are what’s shaping your world and how it interacts with your life.

This is a fascinating topic in and of itself, but certainly not the focus of today. I want to keep talking about how, once you start opening yourself to the rise in consciousness, you start seeing how your life changes into what you have always wanted, whether you consciously know it or not (believe me that there are many things we need to process that are not pleasant, and we may think they are a calamity, but in reality they are opportunities for learning and growth that we need to free us more), and that’s the exciting part of it.

The inner work

Path of Enlightenment by Helena Arturaleza

One of the biggest hurdles I had to face, when I started to pierce the veil of the illusion I had lived in as a science-oriented person, was the internal journey we all have to go through when we have been distorted for so long in this System. I had to contemplate a new way of self-therapy, but one that was exciting and a lot more productive.

All we need to do is look inside, all the answers are there. We have been conditioned to believe and rely on external aids and solutions, like waiting for someone or something to come and change us. That’s the outer system, the imposed matrix, the limits set upon us but not by ourselves. We have lived in it all our lives, that’s why it’s so challenging for us to become internal and listen to our own creative energy, who we truly are.

There’s no need to become like someone, no reason to follow anybody in their steps, your expression is unique and relies on no one. There should be no limit as to what we can create, those limits are not set by our heart, our heart is infinite and our creative ability unbound. Music, writing, painting, crafting, building, any art is an expression of what we are individually, there is no good or bad, no better than anybody, there is only a better you, and only you can compete with yourself.

Even the spiritual world is there to support us, but not intervene with our free will (excepting perhaps extreme cases of negative entities). We have an opportunity to live in this life, a sort of ticket if you will, and they admire us for being here, but the rules of this dimension are to be who you want, a different expression of creative power.

When we look for external validation, even within the spiritual world, we are losing who we are in a way.

Sometimes it’s great to have the support, and they are there for that, but not to rely on their power. Our own power is as great, and the quest is to let it come out despite our world’s limitations. The beauty of being yourself is to be the difference in the world, not the best at anything, but to bring your own unique frequency to Earth and its inhabitants.

But going back to what it means to start shedding those layers that don’t belong to you, with the purpose of getting rid of fear and allowing love to fill the gaps, it begins with the recognition of things that you perceive as hurtful or negative in general.

Before we go into a simple method to process these emotional reactions, we need to understand that nothing that bothers us is external, everything stems from the inside. Understand that we are not at fault for these triggers, they were created in the past and they simply don’t apply any more in our lives, especially in the path of spiritual growth.

Anything that we are has been a conditioning from the environment we grow up in, and all the things we fear are nothing but reactions to a previous experience that made us judge those situations as negative in our present life. From that point you can start discerning how they don’t belong to you, they are nothing but judgments based on things that are not valid any longer.

After you identify anything that creates this negative reaction, comes the real work. You need to find why is it that you have created that barrier, to appreciate it for what it really is, and how it prevents you from accepting it as a divine process of this reality.

I won’t claim that this is an easy or a straight procedure, depending on how strong this influence is in your life, you will require a stronger effort to reveal the core of what made you create it in the first place. This is the basis of shamanistic work, navigating your spirit through the guide of a person skilled in perceptual awareness that allows you to bring to the surface those things that are rooted in the subconscious mind.

While on the topic, this is also how the respectful use of psychedelic plants bring about healing to otherwise traumas that modern medicine cannot even fathom to solve. The plant spirit is wise in dissolving the reality (or illusion truth be told) we believe in, and it exposes us to our biggest fears so we can resolve them in a single session. I will talk about psychedelics and plant medicine more in another post.

What matters is that we understand that those issues we carry inside, and make us see the world with polarity and as a consequence with fear, are different kinds of past experiences that make us judge situations, others, and even ourselves in ways that lowers our vibration and create the negativity we recognized at the beginning of our work.

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest Souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”.

Khalil Gibran

I wish I could elucidate more on this process, but it’s more complex than I care to admit, however it’s a necessary step into freeing ourselves from the cycles we go through.

A last step that needs to be added in this process to be whole, is integration. Once you get rid of something that has been leeching your energy, it’s crucial that you integrate something of value to you, a positive mindset that can substitute the detracting implant you had in the past, with something that serves you for your highest purpose.

Changing yourself to change the world

One by Helena Arturaleza and Vondove

At this point I feel it’s appropriate to denote how if you can change your reality, with the careful understanding of your thoughts and emotions, then humanity as a whole is responsible for the world in its current state.

This happens through what we call the collective consciousness. As I said at the beginning, our feelings are so powerful that they shape reality in the way we perceive it.

The Maharishi effect is a well known and documented phenomenon where a considerable amount of people meditating reduce crime, terrorism and violence. Multiple studies have shown how these practices improve quality of life around the world, in a simple act of meditating.

You see, when we meditate we are ideally clearing our minds from negative thoughts, even if it’s done with mantras, guidance, or altered states of consciousness what we are doing is letting go of the constant worry we are in every day. This has a veritable impact in our surroundings whether we notice it or not.

The collective consciousness is like an electronic peer to peer system in a way, everybody is contributing pieces of files to it, and the more we contribute the more of that information is on the web. Here, bits of information affect the availability of specific ideas and thoughts for people to download, and we are all chipping in with every thought and idea expressed or reinforced.

Those in control of our reality can make us create powerful thoughts that only feed this field of energy, through the conditioning programming that we commonly know as mass media control.

We have used different names to describe this “brain washing”, and what this seeks at a macro scale is make people contribute to the collective consciousness on whatever the current programming is. A classic recent example is terrorism, which continues to be fed to the population and maintains them in a constant state of fear through false flags and other manipulative strategies of information diffusion.

That’s why the system has always been preoccupied with propagating fear, hate, division, and the rest that we see in the global society. But it is us who create the thoughts of belief and suffer the emotions of what the institutes imprint on us. They have no real control over reality, they only project ideas that we then accept with our free will as possibilities and by doing that, we manifest it.

This is why reality is a hologram of what we believe, and this is the same mechanism by which we can create anything we want in Planet Earth. It only takes the right amount of people to upload the same consciousness to the servers that distribute the information across the globe, and we can materialize it.

You can see now how governments and other control systems have suppressed, throughout all history, the development of groups and societies that openly reject the archontic matrix and establish a loving and harmonious belief system. If they allow people to come together, the collective consciousness grid would overflow this new reality and their system would collapse, by people simply stop believing in their paradigms.

In this way, when we dispose of those programs that have been feeding the modern world matrix of fear-mongering, and our own negative perceptions, we are helping to create a more harmonious world. And while it may sound superfluous to mention it, remember that maintaining that negativity is supporting the world as it stands today.

This is why internal change is the only way we can transform the world to a higher state of consciousness.

A one-way road

Transformation by Helena Arturaleza

Even though our philosophies, religions, dogmas, and any belief system differ in the messages they preach, the destiny is the same for all of them: spiritual growth.

We are all souls here incarnated in a body that was created so we can experience this level of consciousness, with the goal to improve our universal awareness of the creator and the oneness of our nature. Every day that we are exposed to anything is an experience that provides progression towards it, it’s just a matter of recognizing them.

Because of the design of this dimension, there is a polarized energy that in contrast is preventing you from advancing the course of your life, what people commonly call your mission or path in life. You can imagine this negative force as something causing friction in your journey, delaying your development and restricting the speed at which you can progress in your expansion.

Being able to identify the effects of this force is crucial to break patterns in your life that are holding you back, things that cause a disservice in your evolution as a free spirit, and pinning you down to a false reality of self.

Creating this awareness will give you the tools to detect those things that further your goals, and follow them with the best ability your intuition allows you to.

It’s hard work to recognize things that are wrong with us, because they challenge fundamentally who we are, and we don’t like to admit that we do these things, they embarrass us internally. But as we learned already, they are quite rewarding to solve and then allow for integration of new and positive mindsets.

At times it can be hard to do this because of how wrong our world has turned, in an ever-increasing misery and decadence, but the more negative the world is, the higher the possibilities there are to grow spiritually by contrast and polarity.

Let me explain this in other words, thanks to difficult situations is that we have opportunities to improve our appreciation for life. Every scenario has an opposite side, and the intelligent use of this in constant meditation makes it so we value more the moment.

This construct serves as a catalyzer, when used properly, to propel our spirituality. But that’s only when we stop being drowned in the negativity, and by reverse we use it to become more aware and accelerate learning.

The Law of One mentions how this illusion can be used this way, it essentially explains how this turmoil and chaos we live in speeds up the changes we are seeking, while in this human body, when we learn to use it as lessons. There’s also a mention of a primitive civilization that had no duality in their world, and as a result they could not advance their spirits in consciousness. Without strife, there is no growth.

Think about it, the more negativity you have to go through, the more chances you have to improve your perception and appreciation for things. All the problems and issues we are presented with are opportunities to become a better person, they are self-reflected views of the world that need fixing from the observer’s side.

If you could look at your life from an observer’s point of view, as if it was a movie, you could see that everything that happens is for a reason. From the most gratifying moments to the hardest and trying ones. Then you could see that every small challenge in your day was placed there for you to learn a lesson, process it and move on. Those happy moments are rewards for things you have accomplished already and are being manifested into something you can enjoy.

Always be alert that whatever happens is a representation of your current state of mind and the progress of your consciousness towards a higher level. They may be happy or sad moments, but they all are contributing to your advancement in life.

There are no good or bad things, these are perceptions decoded by our current brain structure, they change over time and so do you, making old “bad things” either neutral or good, but they are no longer “bad”. If you can start perceiving all those things you believe are bad in this way, you will start unlocking the path to your disconnection with the material world.

Always remember that you carry inside the energy of the creator, source, primordial intelligence, infinite love, god, or whatever you want to call it. We are holograms of this fractalized universal logos, and that means that you are the creator of your own universe, and the reality we all share together with you.

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