Food energy

Kirlian photo of an apple

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Audible Version

Music: Amrita

Artist: The Intangible

I heard the term high vibration foods not too long ago, and to me it didn’t mean anything more than how wholesome they were. My point of reference was how “healthful” they were, for years I’ve been involved in nutrition as a passion and as a fitness professional, and so it was easy to relate them to the usual whole foods that we recommend people base their diets on.

Fruits, veggies, nuts, grains, cereals, legumes and so on, we all know them, they are always suggested to be foods conducive to good health. But why and how? That’s what I started thinking about and I drew a good picture of it that I am sharing here.

As usual, I get into some information that some people might not like, especially when it comes to what they eat, so if you are sensitive to knowing where your food comes from, be warned. Also, your perception of what I say here should not match mine, I encourage everybody to do their homework, draw their own conclusions, and make (or not make) any decisions based on it.

With that being said, we all know that everything has energy, from a rock on the ground to the stars in the galaxy. When it comes to food, it’s easy to understand the concept of their energy since they provide us with calories, the unit of measurement for energy in the body. The big question and where we need to start is, where does our food get their energy from?

Padre Sol

Virtually anything on Earth moves thanks to the power of the Sun, the wind, the ocean currents, of course the temperature of the surface. That’s just our environment though, the setting for us living creatures to reside in. For anything to live here, our planet needs to do her magic and create the first transfer of solar energy into life.

Mother Earth manifests herself through all the variety of plants that exist, she receives the energy from the Sun and transforms it into a living being. From the trees in the forests, the cacti in the deserts, to the phytoplankton in the oceans.

These plants are the nourishment of many animals, including us; we are her children and she feeds us. When we eat plants, we are consuming the highest energy foods we have at hand, since they are the first expression of the solar energy in the planet. We animals then process them and manifest it into the body we have, reducing the frequency of the energy consumed, this is the second energy transfer from the Sun. So herbivores are the second manifestation of the Sun’s energy. 

Now, carnivores of any kind are eating a lower frequency food than herbivores, and when processed they lower even more this frequency by the third conversion, anything coming from animals has already been converted twice and whoever consumes it will convert it a third time.

It got me thinking if this energy from food can be converted further into a lower frequency, and I realized that if we are all Gaia’s children, all animals living on Earth, then eating anything that has been manifested as an animal is the lowest we can go for nutrition but, can it get lower? And so, I got the answer I needed.

Kin feeding

Eating an animal that feeds from other animals is the lowest possible source of nourishment I can think of. This study analyzed the behavior of carnivores towards animal carcasses, finding that animals are well aware that the meat from a fellow carnivore, especially of the same species, is not for consumption.

While we don’t see it this way because many animals are different than us, think about cannibalism, I think most people will agree that this practice is intolerable and completely unacceptable, their guts would churn at the idea. 

To solidify the idea that there is something clearly wrong with cannibalism, in the 1950s a disease known as Kuru was found in natives of Papua New Guinea, that would almost wipe out the population. The reason was a cannibalistic practice they had in funerary ceremonies.

Brain imaging (normal left, prions right).

To me the most interesting finding in the investigation of the Kuru disease was the presence of Prions, a twisted protein that could affect normal proteins to become like them, and the process would spread like an infection until it showed as nasty symptoms that would eventually lead to death. 

But we already know as a society that eating our own kind is not on any menu (at least not public ones, there are dark corners in the world), and animals know that too naturally. But what about the meat in your plate?

What your meat eats

Consider now that most of the meat, which has already lowered its frequency by conversion, comes from factory farms. I won’t even attempt to get into the details of how they are raised since that’s not my purpose here, but I have some interesting information about what they are fed, and that is relevant to the main topic.

The FDA, and other governing agencies in other countries, allow the use of carcasses, entrails, and other animal parts from the same species into the feed. This is how Mad Cow disease started, from feeding cattle their dead counterpart’s brains and nervous tissue. Although certain regulations were established, this continues to happen thanks to the loopholes of laws.

By the way, Mad Cow Disease and Kuru share the same conditions, they are both a form of spongiform encephalopathy, and the symptoms are similar as well.

Things like poultry litter that contains animal protein in it, cattle blood as milk replacement for calves, and table waste that has animal products are some of the forms of feeding they allow in these farms.

I have a hard time believing that the meat that comes from these animals, being fed such cannibalistic diets, are not carrying misfolded proteins of some sort that are affecting the normal functions of the human consuming it. In fact, it’s probably no coincidence that one of the diseases that can be contracted are neurodegenerative like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

There is always the argument that there is no strict research in modern medicine that concludes how harmful this meat can be, that is if we ignore all the studies that suggest lowering the consumption of red meat because of its unknown detrimental effects on the body. They usually attribute it to saturated fats only, but my intuition tells me it’s not just that, especially considering that saturated fats in general are not strictly damaging, although apparently animal fats do according to some studies.

Also, remember how science needs either some serious cases like epidemics, or years and years of evidence to finally say that something is not good for health. I am inclined to believe that these proteins in meat are still to a degree misfolded shaped, and that although unrecognizable by current methods, they still wreak havoc in our bodies.

Our closest relatives

Art by Dana Ellyn

For most people the idea of eating the closest species to us is intolerable, and this notion can be understood better when we relate more to other animals. I think the closest animal in the list would be dogs. Why? Because we humans created them from wolves, they are man-made and they share so many characteristics with us for that reason. We molded them into a fitting species that feels like family.

The more traits we have in common with an animal, the easier it is for us to relate to it. Perhaps that’s why fishing is fun for many, but to slaughter a cow or a pig takes a special kind of people. We abandoned the oceans millions of years ago, so we feel more connected with most mammals.

The closer we are to a species the more cannibalistic it becomes to eat them, the lower the quality of the nutrients are, and the highest the sacrifice is. This may be the reason why animal fats are not essential, and in fact associated with a plethora of health risk factors. On the flip side, plant fats are essential to the human body. 

Unlike other people though, I find fair that if you can kill the animal by your hand, you deserve to eat it (the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword, yes?). An animal sacrifice for you to eat should not be taken lightly I believe, and it’s no coincidence that many religions around the world hold some sort of prayer or ritual practice to bless and thank the food, especially if it involved an animal sacrifice.

Our ancestors were well aware of this, and it can be seen in that animals were always revered and respected. Our current system has no regard for them, they are cruelly treated and handled as food. Because of the nature of the industry, there is little to no care about the impact on people’s health from the consumption of animal products, and it all comes down to profit of course.

Our distant relatives

Perhaps this is why fish is considered to be so healthy, while they are still animals we have long separated ourselves evolutionarily from them. They don’t pose a challenge to our bodies like other animals closer to us do.

However, I’ll still point out some concerns about fish that I can’t let go unsaid. Mercury concentrations in fish warrants caution in the quantity we consume. We owe this of course to our industries who have been polluting the air and water that ultimately make their way into the oceans.

Another thing that bothers me to think is microplastics. This study, published earlier this year, found that every marine animal they studied contained microplastics in them. These little synthetic materials make their way to our plate and then the body mainly from fish and water, we all have a certain amount inside right now and there is no way to know yet how to get rid of it, or how it affects the body.

What about fish oil? Sure enough, fish oil has numerous health benefits, EPA and DHA are essential fatty acids and we need them. As usual, I don’t claim to know how these fatty acids work to improve health, nobody does yet, but I can share important pieces of knowledge that can help create context for people to decide.

First off, there are many plant fats that provide EPA and DHA, albeit in a very small amount compared to fish and to be fair the conversion is pretty small, but it exists. A place where EPA/DHA are found in large concentrations is in algae, in fact this is where fish get these fatty acids in the first place.

Another reasoning I have to make is that if just a small population of the world (take Britain’s for example) were to get the recommended arbitrary dose of 1-3gr a day of fish oil, there would be no fish in the oceans. The obvious unsustainability makes me think that this is not an adequate practice nor is it needed for the body.

It’s my opinion and speculation that these benefits associated with EPA and DHA fatty acids are higher for people eating a significant amount of animal products. So far, there is no consensus on how these fatty acids work to improve health, we just know they do in some cases, not all.

My thinking is that for people that eat large amounts of animal products, and have a relatively bad diet like in the western world, the consumption of fish oils has a huge impact in their health through the biological mechanisms that use EPA and DHA. 

It makes sense, just like going Paleo, Keto, Vegan, or any other diet that inherently improves the quality of nutrients is going to improve the health of the individual, consuming fish oils helps by improving the diet in general. There is nothing magical about the diets, it’s just that by the elimination process of food groups they promote better health.

However, if your diet consists of high vibrational foods, then supplementation may not be needed, especially considering the presence of these fatty acids in algae, seeds, and some legumes.

Energy transmutation recap

Alright, back to the process of solar energy transformation on Earth:

1) The Sun provides our planet with solar energy, that energy is first converted by Gaia into plants.

2) Herbivores consume these plants for a second conversion.

3) Carnivores eat herbivores for a third conversion.

4) And the last and most detrimental alteration comes from cannibalistic practices.

There we go, color coded and everything

I don’t need to get into the discussion that humans are omnivores, as my reflection here has nothing to do with what we can eat, rather I wanted to lay out how I perceive the notion of high vibrational foods in the context of solar energy transformation, in addition to the findings of how our food is created.

The moment I envisioned this idea was when looking at the nutrition facts of my olive oil and the unsaturated fats in it. I imagined a ray of sunlight being transformed into a small coil by plants, a high vibration coil to be sure, and the further conversions would compress this coil more and more until it gets so deformed that it become something else.

I have a strange brain and my thoughts are even stranger, but that’s just how my mind works.


After writing this post, and searching for an image that could illustrate the energetic chain I refer to, I found something interesting that fits with what I talk about here: trophic levels.

What got my attention is that this diagram explains a concept of energy transfer efficiency, and it basically shows that the energy availability for every consumer is reduced by the consumer that follows it in the chain.

Something similar was what I got in my reasoning when understanding that the frequency present in food depends on where it got its nutrition from. I thought it was adequate to add this edit to the post.

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